
Mark & Heather Overbeek

Mark: February 18
Heather: August 20
Jedidiah: August 18
Miriam: January 26
Phoebe: April 28
Anniversary: January 2

Mark & Heather have been living and serving as missionaries in Alaska since 2003. They lived in the village of Old Harbor, on Kodiak Island, for 11 years. In 2015 God led them to the city of Kodiak, where they currently serve. Kodiak is the hub community on the island, so there are many opportunities to continue to reach out to those who live in outlying villages as they travel through Kodiak. Additionally, Mark serves as the pastor of Frontier Baptist Church, a role he’s been serving in since the end of 2017. 

Mark & Heather’s children continue to be an integral part of the ministry as well. They also have two adult children, Josiah and Esther, who are both studying at Cedarville University to serve in Christian ministry as well!


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