Our leadership team has decades of combined experience ministering in cross-cultural environments. InterAct Ministries is governed by a board of directors and led by the executive director. Each of our fields are led by a field director who assembles a leadership team comprised of missionaries and support staff.

Dale Smith
Executive Director
Dale and his wife Carol have been connected with InterAct for more than 30 years. God moved their hearts for missions in Alaska through the testimonies of Johnny Gillespie, the founder of the organization, then known as Arctic Missions. They served for 3 1/2 years at Victory Bible Camp in Alaska. After some time off to pursue further studies, they moved to North Battleford, Saskatchewan in 1989 to work as church planters among First Nations people. Dale later served as Canada Field Director. In 2010 Dale became InterAct’s executive director.

Lucas Orner
Siberia field director
Lucas and his wife Jamie have been serving in Siberia since 2008. They have four children, Sam, Sophie, and Daniel, and Peter. God used newsletters from InterAct missionaries in the Sakha Republic to place a passion on their hearts for the unreached of Siberia. After a year and a half of language study, Lucas and his family moved to Krasnoyarsk. He has been serving as leader of the Siberian field since 2013.

Steve Horsman
Alaska Field Director
Steve and his wife Jill joined InterAct in 1989 and ministered in Alaska for two years, and then transitioned to Canada where they were blessed to live among the Chilcotin nation for twenty-one years. The Horsman’s transitioned to Alaska in 2013 to be a part of reaching the unreached through strategic partnerships and collaboration. Their focus is on equipping, facilitating, and networking. They currently coordinate the LEaD Alaska discipleship program and EnGage! Alaska. In 2018 Steve became the Alaska Field Director.

Greg Hamilton
Canada Field Director