Will you answer the call?

Have you been burdened with a call to go and make disciples? We are always praying and seeking more workers—the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. God is looking for men and women who feel burdened for the least-reached peoples of Alaska, western Canada and Siberia

“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Luke 10:2

Are you ready to start the journey?

Are you passionate about a life that’s focused on reaching unreached communities with the gospel and seeing people transformed by God? Do you feel called to serve in a cross-cultural context? We are ready to listen to your story. Connect with us by phone or email with us below.

Talk with Us

Give a Mobilization Team member a call.
(503) 668-5571
(If after hours, leave a call-back message; we will return your call promptly.)

Email Us

Have a question? Submit it here and a team member will get back to you.


  • An active personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
  • A desire to serve cross-culturally.
  • A clear biblical understanding of God’s command to make disciples.
  • A humble teachable heart.
  • Affirmation of your missionary calling by other mature Christians
  • Involvement in a local church and/or Christian service.
  • Willingness and ability to raise personal financial support. After acceptance, InterAct will train you on how to raise your support.
    For details about the requirements please request information here

InterAct Ministries works in rural and urban regions of Alaska, western Canada and Siberia. In Canada, we serve in British Colombia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. In Russia we work in Siberia. 

InterAct serves Alaska Natives living in urban and bush communities. In Canada, we serve First Nation and new immigrant populations. In Siberia we serve Native people groups. 

God does not send us out into the world alone. InterAct works directly with applicants from the start of the application process until well after they are on the field. We provide support through leadership development, human resources, member care and more. 

All InterAct members have the privilege of developing a team of prayer partners and financial supporters. InterAct provides  coaching for partnership development immediately after joining. 


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