The Heart of a Missionary

All it takes is one look at the news to see that we live in a world that’s in desperate need of the gospel. Some dare to be different in this fallen world where the status quo is to reach the top at any cost necessary. These courageous men and women stand tall for something world-changing, life-altering, and everlasting: the truth of the gospel. These incredible men and women are missionaries. The heart of a missionary is what fuels the remarkable work that they do. Together, we will take a look inside at what makes the heart of a missionary so unique and powerful.

Rooted in Relationship with God

The heart of a missionary is rooted in a sincere and intimate relationship with God. The natural result of this relationship is an intense passion for sharing with others the life-altering truth of the gospel. It is the very truth that sparked their bond with God in the first place. Their relationship has bloomed into a vibrant garden full of life, a blessing to all who encounter it. They want everyone, regardless of their background, to experience the same relationship with God.

A Wellspring of Love

When asked what the two greatest commandments are, Jesus said that the greatest commandment is to love God with everything you are, and the second is to love others as you love yourself. The cross-cultural missionary centers their life around that worldview. The heart of a missionary is a wellspring of love, pouring out upon everyone they meet. They give their lives to show the world what it means to love God and be loved by Him. They don’t just preach it: they live it.

Eyes Turned Towards Eternity

The missionary realizes that this life is just the beginning. Jesus’ promise of eternal life is not an afterthought. With their hearts pointed towards the everlasting Kingdom of God, their faith tells them that the work they do here has a lasting impact on eternity. They embrace this truth wholeheartedly and devote their lives to it.

Willingness to do the Impossible

Luke 18:27 says, “Jesus replied, ‘What is impossible with man is possible with God.'” Missionaries see the world through a different lens. They don’t see things as “possible” and “impossible.” If God has called them to accomplish something, they will trust that He will equip them with whatever resources necessary to see that calling through to fruition.

Meeting the Needs of Others

The heart of a missionary desires to meet the needs of others above their own. In contrast, so many people these days live to fulfill their wants, needs and desires. The eyes of missionaries turn towards what they can do for others. They will sacrifice whatever is needed to give of themselves for the benefit of someone else. Even though the world around them might not understand, they rest assured that they are giving their lives for the glory of God.


We could all be a little more like missionaries. Their great passion for being the hands and feet of Christ to a world in desperate need of hope is something we all should imitate. Now more than ever, the world needs bold men and women to take the gospel to the least-reached. Missionaries serve as ambassadors of God’s Kingdom and our most profound example of how to live as citizens of heaven as we eagerly anticipate the return of Jesus Christ.


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