
Aaron & Tisha Dalton

Aaron: July 11
Tisha: June 22

Aaron grew up in Santa Barbara, CA and graduated from LeTourneau University in 2016 with a bachelor’s degree in Missionary Aviation. Tisha was born and raised in Palmer, AK. She has worked in Galena and Port Alsworth with Alaska Native people. Aaron and Tisha met at Kingdom Air Corps, where Aaron was volunteering as a pilot mechanic, and Tisha was working on flight training. They were married during their three years of working at Tanalian Bible camp, then moved to Grayling with InterAct Ministries in August 2020. There they pastor the local church body and seek to bring the hope of Christ among Alaska Native people by building relationships and making reproducing disciples. Being the granddaughter of retired InterAct missionaries Gale and Jean Van Diest, Tisha is the second generation of Van Diests to work among Alaska Native people in Grayling.


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