
Carrie Curtis
BIRTHDAY November 30
Carrie grew up in the heart of Wyoming and got saved at the young age of 5. Ever since then, she has wanted others to know the joy of having Christ as their Savior as she has, and after reading many missionary biographies she wanted to become a missionary.
After attending Alaska Bible College, Carrie believed God wanted her to step out by faith and go into missionary aviation training with Kingdom Air Corps. She, therefore, moved to Alaska in 2015. Still knowing that being a pilot was not all God wanted her to do, Carrie wanted to use everything that God had given her now for His glory.
After much prayer and searching, she found that it was InterAct to which God was leading her. Carrie seeks to serve in recruitment for EnGage! and to be involved with encouragement and support to InterAct’s staff and like-minded ministries in Alaska. Philippians 1:20-21.
Carrie is based at the Lazy Mountain Campus in Palmer, Alaska with her ministry dog, Max.